Keep EUR 250,000 in investment units for 5 years

This investment shall be blocked for 5 years in an independently operating custodian financial institution. It is crucial, that during the 5-year long period national and EU supervisory bodies constantly control the management company that use this EUR 250,000 investment in its units, hence the all guarantee requirements of Hungary and the EU are monitored and enforced.

10-year long Residence Permit in Hungary with free travel options in Schengen countries

Additionally, with extra 10-year extension alternative

Automatically obtained work permit for Hungary

Free Movement:

Travel freely to 29 Schengen countries.

Same benefits for family members: 

Spouses and minor children may enjoy 10-year residency, plus free local healthcare and education

Investment Flexibility:

Funds are redeemable after five years

Safe and Secure: 

continuous legislative and official support

Fast Processing:

The quickest approval process in the EU

No minimum requirements

regarding age, language, residence, or business background.

Path to Hungarian and EU Citizenship: 

Permanent residency in 3 years, naturalization in 8 years.